"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Friday, April 4, 2014

New Survey Shows Importance of No Alcohol Message for Teens

New data from a national survey of high school students shows that teens who receive a message from their parents that underage drinking is completely unacceptable are more than 80 percent less likely to drink than teens who receive other messages. The survey, and correspondinginfographic, was released this week by Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) and Nationwide Insurance®.
The data was released in conjunction with PowerTalk 21 day—April 21st—the national day for parents to talk with their teens about alcohol. Download the latest version of the parent handbook for tips and tools to help parents start the potentially lifesaving conversation about alcohol with their teens.

This year, MADD will host free 30-minute online discussions throughout day on April 21st for parents and caregivers to learn the best way to talk with your teens, so that they really listen.  Find out more and register now at www.madd.org/powertalk21.

Each year, about 4,700 people die as a result of underage drinking. The Power of Parents program equips parents with the tools to have the sometimes difficult, but potentially lifesaving conversations with their teens about the dangers of alcohol.

“It’s crucial for parents to have ongoing, intentional conversations with their teens about alcohol, but it’s also important to make sure the message they’re sending is clear — no alcohol before 21,” said Bill Windsor, Nationwide Insurance Associate Vice President of Consumer Safety. “Nationwide has teamed up with MADD to give parents the tools they need to keep their children and others safe.”

Developed with Robert Turrisi, Ph.D, professor and researcher at Pennsylvania State University, the Power of Parents workshops and supporting handbook are based on his more than two decades of underage drinking research, and have been shown to significantly reduce underage drinking behaviors.

To see where workshops and activities are happening, or for conversation starters, tips and the Power of Parents handbook, visit www.madd.org/powertalk21.