"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Friday, June 28, 2013

Drug type: Prescription Drug, Synthetic Drugs

While use of traditional illicit drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, has remained stable, the use of new psychoactive substances (NPS), such as synthetic marijuana, and MDPV or “bath salts”, increased dramatically throughout the world, according to the 2013 World Drug Report. The report was released on World Drug Day this week by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).
The report found that the number of NPS reported by Member States to UNODC rose from 166 at the end of 2009 to 251 by mid-2012, an increase of more than 50 percent. 

“Over the past few years, we’ve heard from CADCA members about the negative impact these drugs are having in communities across the United States. Many young people are using these drugs under the mistaken belief that because they are not illegal and sold in stores they must be safe. However, synthetic marijuana, also referred to as ‘spice’ or ‘K2’, and ‘bath salts’ have proven to be anything but – leading to strong hallucinations, violent behavior and even suicides,” said CADCA Chairman and CEO Gen. Arthur T. Dean in a statement.  

The report noted the unique challenge that these substances pose.  

“Given the almost infinite scope to alter the chemical structure of NPS, new formulations are outpacing efforts to impose international control. While law enforcement lags behind, criminals have been quick to tap into this lucrative market,” the UNODC stated in their press release, adding that in response to the proliferation of NPS, UNODC has launched an early warning system which will allow the global community to monitor the emergence and take appropriate actions.

The World Drug Report also noted that prescription opiate use remains high and polydrug use, especially the combination of prescription drugs and illicit substances, continues to be a concern, especially the misuse of sedatives and tranquillizers – with more than 60 per cent of the countries covered in the report ranking such substances as among the first three misused types of substances.

To download the 2013 World Drug Report, visit: http://www.unodc.org/wdr/Click here to read CADCA’s media statement on the report.

Monday, June 24, 2013

PTSD: Not Just a Military Problem

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. While it is often closely associated with combat veterans and other members of the military, the fact is PTSD can affect anyone who experiences a traumatic event. 

June is PTSD Awareness Month, and next Thursday, June 20 is PTSD Screening Day. 

The first step in getting help for PTSD is recognizing the symptoms. Service members, college students and members of the public can take a free, anonymous self-assessment for PTSD and other related conditions at www.PTSDscreening.org. While the assessment does not provide a definitive diagnosis, it will provide information on how to seek help if you are experiencing PTSD symptoms. 

During the past year, many communities across the U.S. have experienced devastating tragedies. Hurricane Sandy, the shootings in Newtown, the Boston Marathon bombings, and most recently, cases of severe weather in the Plains states have left many individuals, families and communities reeling. While most people are amazingly resilient following trauma, for some, the emotional toll these events cause can last much longer. 

About 60 percent of men and 50 percent of women will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime, according to the National Center for PTSD, U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Overall, about 8 percent of men and 20 percent of women will develop PTSD. While traumatic events such as natural disasters, fires or acts of violence can affect an entire community, other instances like a terrifying car accident can affect a single individual. 

Most people will have stress-related reactions following a traumatic event, yet only some will develop PTSD. If these reactions do not begin to go away over time or get worse, or impact day to day life, it may be PTSD. PTSD symptoms often include: 

* Reliving the event through nightmares and flashbacks 

* Avoiding situations that remind you of the event, such as large crowds or driving a car 

* Negative changes in beliefs and feelings. This can include feelings of guilt, fear or shame. 

* Feeling keyed up or jittery

“PTSD is a condition that many people believe only affects members of the military and veterans, but that simply is not the case,” says Dr. Douglas G. Jacobs, founder and medical director of Screening for Mental Health, Inc. “While combat veterans do have a high rate of PTSD, we also see PTSD in members of the public, especially among first responders, victims of violence or those affected by natural disasters.” 

It is recommended that anyone who was been exposed to a traumatic event over a month ago and is experiencing symptoms of PTSD take an anonymous PTSD assessment at www.PTSDscreening.org. By simply answering a series of basic questions, people can determine if they are showing symptoms of PTSD, and if so, where to find the help they need. While these screenings are not diagnostic, the results will indicate whether further assessment by a clinician is advisable. The screening website, provided by the nonprofit Screening for Mental Health, is accessible year-round to the public.