"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NYC Wants to Ban All Flavored Tobacco; UK Hides It

The Associated Press says that New York City is thinking about going beyond new federal restrictions on the sale of flavored cigarettes: The New York City Council wants to ban all flavored tobacco.

Meanwhile, the United Kingdom may make make tobacco go behind the counter to protect young people and reformed smokers. Parliament is leaning toward regulations that say shops won't be able to put up displays inside their stores and tobacco vending machines will be outlawed.

"Smoking continues to have a heavy impact on the health of our communities," said UK Public Health Minister Gillian Merron. "Today's children could be tomorrow's smokers. These new plans will help to ensure they are not. Protecting young people from a lifetime of addiction and possible death and disease from smoking is crucial, as is supporting smokers who want to quit."